
Wherever you are in your life’s journey, Unity of Garden Park is here for you. We lovingly invite you to visit us and discover your new spiritual home.

Our Vision:

To be a thriving ‘family’ center of spiritual leaders where congregants are joyfully and actively involved, influencing beyond our center, and the center is financially healthy and steadily growing.

Our Mission:

Honoring all paths to God, we are an inclusive community that models love, radiates spiritual oneness, and promotes peace.

Unity Staff

Reverend Kathy Engelhardt

Ordained Unity Minister

Favorite affirmation: “I can choose peace instead of this.”

Email: revkathyunity@gmail.com

Joe Higgins

Financial Administrator

Favorite affirmation: “How you treat others says alot about you.”

Email:  fa.unitygardenpark@gmail.com

Judy Mazes

Office Administrator

Sandy Schill

Youth & Family Director

Favorite saying: “Seeing the world through the eyes of a child, is a gift worth sharing”

Email: SandyS@UnityofGardenPark.org

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments