Wherever you are in your life’s journey, Unity of Garden Park is here for you. We lovingly invite you to visit us and discover your new spiritual home.
Our Vision:
To be a thriving ‘family’ center of spiritual leaders where congregants are joyfully and actively involved, influencing beyond our center, and the center is financially healthy and steadily growing.
Our Mission:
Honoring all paths to God, we are an inclusive community that models love, radiates spiritual oneness, and promotes peace.
Get Involved at UGP!
Please call the church office (513) 385-8889 for contact information for the group you are interested in.
- Prayer Chaplains: Our mission when praying with congregants is to lovingly listen, hold sacred space, keep confidentiality and grow prayer consciousness by acting from the awareness of the Divine. We also hold monthly meditation meetings, bi-monthly after service prayer circles, and community outreach events. What does a prayer Chaplain do?
- Heart Connection: This group sends cards to people who can use a kind word, knowing that someone cares, whether it be a shut-in, the elderly, or an illness. Team Leader: Kathleen Jacobs
- Music Program: The music program is consistently striving to provide moving, expressive, and innovative ways to create a cohesive musical, emotional, and spiritual experience for all! Team Leader: Yvette Kuo
- EarthCare: This team strives to learn, demonstrate, and teach others how to celebrate and protect God’s creations and heal Mother Earth.
- Audio: A team of faithful volunteers who fulfill all of Garden Park’s live audio needs and recordings.
- Visual: This team ensures there are pictures, slides, and videos on our TV monitors during Sunday service. We would love to train someone with an interest in this form of ministry. Team Leader: Sandy Malloy.
- Social Media: “Spiritual beings having a Digital Experience”. This team manages our Facebook, website, and other forms of social media. Team Leader: Mike McNally
- Fundraising: A team dedicated to raising funds for the wonderful programs, services, and mission of our beloved spiritual home, Unity of Garden Park! Team Leader: Judy Mazes
- Bookstore/Gift Shop: A welcoming source for growing both in your personal life and spiritual enlightenment through books and CDs. Warm hugs given freely by the fabulous staff. Team Leader: Debby Krabbe
- Youth Program: All children are welcome from infants to teens. Our Unity program is just what it seems…AWESOME! Team Leader: Sandy Schill.
- Y.O.U. (Youth of Unity) & UniTeens: Our teen program seeks to ensure all teens who come through our doors know that they are loved, that they are enough just as they are and that they are part of a group that recognizes the Christ within each of us.
- Church Decorating: This team helps to create a beautiful and welcoming environment inside our sanctuary and lobby. As the seasons change… so do our decorations. Team Leader: Julia Higgins
- Fellowship: This team provides an opportunity for our church family to nurture and connect with each other by serving snacks in the fellowship hall after church.
- Energy Healing: Garden Park affirms god as the true source of strength, guidance, and healing; in the expression of this profound belief, this team offers healing techniques and support through a variety of means within a spiritual framework. Co-team Leaders: Bob Voges & Linda Koenig.
- Buildings, Facilities & Grounds: Steve, Bob, & Don – Each a handy man. If they can’t get it done, then nobody can!
Click here to contact us for more information on how to Get Involved!