Wherever you are in your life’s journey, Unity of Garden Park is here for you. We lovingly invite you to visit us and discover your new spiritual home.
Our Vision:
To be a thriving ‘family’ center of spiritual leaders where congregants are joyfully and actively involved, influencing beyond our center, and the center is financially healthy and steadily growing.
Our Mission:
Honoring all paths to God, we are an inclusive community that models love, radiates spiritual oneness, and promotes peace.
Additional Links & Resources for your Journey
Silent Unity Virtual Prayer Vigil – The Silent Unity Prayer Vigil is a sacred honor and part of the Unity mission. Inside the Silent Unity Virtual Prayer Vigil, your heart and consciousness join with others around the world. Together, we become a part of our 24/7 prayer vigil, holding up all who ask for prayer.
The Rubi Ho Group– Rubi Ho is a well-regarded strategic and organizational consultant, celebrated author, and founder and architect of the Strategic & Organizational Consultant (SAOL™) methodology and certification program. Read More…
Unity Online Radio – Explore the latest in spiritual talk shows with Unity Online Radio. Broadcasting from the historic Tower at Unity World Headquarters, the network provides you with hosts and topics to deepen your spiritual journey and introduce you to new ideas, authors, and practices.
uPray App – Wherever you are, whatever time day or night, connect to immediate prayer support with uPray from Silent Unity. Silent Unity is as close to you as your mobile device. Our free mobile app provides quick and easy access to: Prayer, Affirmation & Meditation
The DailyWord – Daily Word offers inspiration and practical teachings through daily prayer messages to help people of all faiths live healthy, prosperous and meaningful lives. The magazine includes two months of daily affirmations messages, feature daily prayer articles and spiritual poetry.
Martha Creek – It only takes a few minutes with Martha to realize that she speaks from her heart to yours. A humble and humorous public speaker, a student and teacher of life, an innovative leader, a servant-hearted team builder, Martha is fair, conscious, practical, efficient, joyful, honest, generous, and as loving a soul as you will ever meet. Martha offers her teachings, her life experiences as well as her insights, not as advice, but as an option. She provides opportunities for her audience to experience the power of living from their own truth and realigning with their divine nature.