Spiritual Education
At Unity of Garden Park, we focus on the positive, practical teachings of Christianity. We celebrate the Love of God within each one of us and the Love of God WITHIN YOU! We look to the Bible and Jesus as our Master teachings and Master Teacher, but we are also inclusive of many of the world religious texts.
Adult Spiritual Education and Enrichment (SEE) Courses
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, your path at Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute (UWSI) begins with Spiritual Education and Enrichment (SEE) courses.
If you are a casual learner, the SEE courses may be taken for your own enjoyment and enrichment. SEE courses are not something you will take and put away on a bookshelf, never to be used again. Your experiences will enrich your everyday life, for the rest of your life.
Please contact Rev. Dr. Kathy Engelhardt for more information and upcoming classes revkathyunity@gmail.com or 513-385-8889.