Wherever you are in your life’s journey, Unity of Garden Park is here for you. We lovingly invite you to visit us and discover your new spiritual home.
Our Vision:
To be a thriving ‘family’ center of spiritual leaders where congregants are joyfully and actively involved, influencing beyond our center, and the center is financially healthy and steadily growing.
Our Mission:
Honoring all paths to God, we are an inclusive community that models love, radiates spiritual oneness, and promotes peace.

Board of Trustees

Michele DeCresce
This spiritual community has been an integral part of her spiritual evolution; and she is so grateful to be a member of this community as well as a decision-maker for the future of this community.
For the last decade, she has been very involved in the animal rescue community locally and nationally.

Don Meyer
Vice President
Don is a retired electrical engineer. He has been married to his wonderful wife, Vicki, for 47 years. They have 3 married children and 7 grandchildren. Don loves to volunteer, help people, and fix things. That is the reason he likes serving on the Building and Facilities committee with Steve Schill. He has been involved with Unity Priniples for 45 years and was serving on Garden Park’s Unity board when they built our current church in 1984. Don is looking forward to serving on the Board so he can help make our Church even Better!

Joyce DeVoge
Joyce is a life long Unity student. She is fortunate to have had parents who discovered Unity of Indianapolis when she was 18. Her mother was a dedicated spiritual seeker and her father became a Unity minister in his retirement. She has attended Unity of Garden Park for 5 years. She continues to work 4 days a week as a counselor, specializing with couples. Joyce feels blessed to have two granddaughters who bring great joy and love into her life.

Debby Krabbe
Debby is an avid sports fan. If there’s a big game, she will probably be wearing
her team’s colors. She also enjoys playing golf and listening to music. As the leader of our bookstore team, Debbie can be found there on Sundays, or usually within shouting distance.
Debbie has said Unity of Garden Park is a big part of my life because she found a spiritual home… a place where she feels at ease walking into
the sanctuary with her family. “I have been attending Unity churches for about 12 years. I can honestly say Unity has changed my life.”

Dean Frank
Member at Large
Dean has been a member of Unity of Garden Park for five years. He is a native Cincinnatian and has been working as a licensed realtor for thirteen years. Dean joined our Board because, as he stated “I really can’t name any other church quite like Unity and I would love to be able to help our church grow so others can experience what it is like to be in such a loving, supportive space.

Toni Vodnik
Member at Large
Toni has been a member of Garden Park for five years. She serves on our Power Point and Grounds teams. She is currently working on becoming a Prayer Chaplain, because as she says “Holding prayer for others is sacred because it allows me to help our congregation in a positive spiritual way.”
When she is not volunteering at Church, Toni enjoys sports and fishing. She is married with a beautiful, adult daughter in college. Toni’s goal is to continue to help grow our spiritual community.