Our Sustained Giving Program
We greatly appreciate the difference you make by being part of our Unity of Garden Park spiritual community. As a supporter of Unity of Garden Park, we invite you to participate in a new initiative, our Sustained Giving Program. Becoming a Unity Sustainer allows your gifts and your loving consciousness to be present even when you are not able to be.
Just like your household has monthly expenses, so does our spiritual home. Sustained Giving allows Unity of Garden Park to plan its budget, fulfill its mission of transforming lives, and activate the spiritual law of giving and receiving.
Because of you, Unity of Garden Park is carrying out our important mission in so many ways. We have a powerful prayer and healing ministry, extensive adult education, amazing music, growing youth and young adult programs, generous community outreach, caring and supportive pastoral care, and Sunday services that transform lives. Your giving makes all of this sacred work possible. Like ripples on a global pond, together we are making a wonderful difference.
Sustained, or consistent, giving for churches is the new, practical way of contributing. It is simple, secure and has many benefits. A recurring contribution – weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly – can be made with a credit or debit card. You can change the amount or discontinue your sustained giving whenever you choose.
Both of us are Sustained Givers and it has been a wonderful experience. Should you decide to accept our invitation, simply sign up online or call the church office at 513-385-8889 to get set up.
Thank you for being an important part of our spiritual home and for prayerfully considering this opportunity. You are a blessing to us and to Unity of Garden Park.
Rev. Kathy Engelhardt – Minister
Michele DeCresce – Board President